03 juli 2012

I do not know, but I think so

Every time my thoughts goes to this blog... I ask my self who you are (?) The reader, ore hopefully "the readers". If I write this in Swedish, it fells like I exclude many of my friends and relatives.

That´s a bad feeling... probably worse than my English.

So... here we go my friends! (Wish me some luck, thanks).
I promised to show you the result of a chest with glass door, here it is:

Of cause you did forget about that one, but a promise is a promise.

When it comes to life in general, I did say "this day just passed away" when I was younger. It was the truth for me then, but I did not know how much time I had left... every single day probably. If I worked more than full time one day, I still had a chance to take a cup of coffee ore go to the toilette for that matter. Late at night I could take a decision to stay awake for a nice hang out ore a good movie.

I could count the sleeping ours... "if I go to bed at 03.00 I can still sleep for 5 ours".
Now... in the days of dis... on parental leave... it´s not up to me.
And I have not figured out if it is in the hand of our small children ore the destiny?!
Wouldn't it be nice if every human being was sleeping at night. That nature again. We do not fit.

See you soon (as in soon)